A PLETKYA NEM VOLT IGAZ: Ziggler nem írt alá!

Sok pletyka szerint Dolph Ziggler aláírt a WWE-nek, de ezt megcáfolták. Mégpedig ő maga. Cah Dukes interjúalanya volt, ezzel kapcsolatban ezt nyilatkozta:
"I'm thinking about it right now. I had a request for an upcoming contract that would end a few months from now, maybe two or three months from now, and they requested back what they would like, I countered another offer and we're waiting to finalize some things. I love WWE and I can't picture myself wrestling somewhere else but it's also becoming now where that Wednesday and Thursday, I can't just do that and get some outside live events for comedy and different movie and television options, which would only be to promote myself as a WWE superstar, to make myself a bigger star so I can advance more in WWE. So if I can't find that happy medium, I might have to go away for a little bit. What I wanna do is make myself a bigger asset to WWE. If it involves leaving, that would crush me but it might."
Ziggler tehát még nem írt alá, de valószínűleg meg fogja tenni, csupán nem ma írja alá a szerződést, hanem, majd holnap. Reméljük, hogy nagyobb személyiség lesz a WE-ben, hiszen lényegében csak ez az ő kikötése. Mindenesetre biztosan két-három hónapot még láthatjátok a ringben, minimum.

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